
Friday, April 19, 2013

30 Second Update :)

30 Second Update :)

I saw my midwife again today.  I'm 34.5wks.  She said I'm 50% effaced and 1-2cm dilated.  Yay! I'll TAKE it!  Especially considering last time they checked me I had zero progression.  :)  

She still thinks I will go by the end of the month. (I'll be 36wks on April 30th)

Although I am incredibly uncomfortable and cannot WAIT to see these babies, my prayer is that they will not come until their lungs are completely developed. Now, once their lungs are all good-- there's NO NEED to dawdle!!! 

34 weeks preggo with twins


  1. Omg you are going to have them while we are home! By the way we will be home next weekend haha;)

  2. Ouch, momma! Praying for you! Those babies will be awesome!

  3. You are totally rocking this pregnancy !! Can't wait to see Thing One, and Thing Two!!
