
Friday, January 11, 2013

Drama Queen / 20 weeks / Another issue / Names

Drama Queen

Baby boy likes to hang out on my upper right side. He's CHILL.  Kicks here and there.  I can lay down on my right side. No problems, no complaints.  He's enjoying his stay.  

Baby girl on the other hand.... dear heavens. She is already all about some drama.  :)  She stays on my lower left side.  The very second that I roll over at night onto "her" side, she starts having a kicking fit.  Pretty sure I've heard her yell "GET OFF ME!! I CAN'T BREATHE!! HELP!!"  Same thing if I bend over to pick something up. She immediately kicks the mess out of me to STOP squishing her!!  ... What can I say though?? She gets it honestly.  The husband is scared.  

20 weeks

Went to the doctor today.  I am 20 weeks, but my belly measures 27 weeks.  With Sam, I was right on the mark. i.e.: 20 weeks, measured 20 weeks. She said with twins, you usually measure 5-6 weeks ahead.  This time I measured 7 wks ahead, last time 8 wks ahead.  But who's counting?  

20 weeks pregnant w/ twins

The pic is a little fuzzy, but the lighting wasn't that great.  Oh well.  

By 20 weeks, I was technically supposed to gain 20lbs.  That didn't happen because I was so sick the first trimester.  But, I did gain about 13, so I am consistently gaining 1.5-2lbs per week. With multiples, the more you gain at the beginning, the faster the babies will grow and the less chance you have of going into preterm labor.  Totally different mindset than my 1st pregnancy.  The book I'm reading is very well researched.  Any time I google a question, I usually find an answer that directs back to this book or the author.  

Another Lil Issue

Last time, I mentioned that the placenta previa corrected itself.  (Yay! Thank you, God!)  This time, my midwife said that after looking at the ultrasound I had last week, they were watching baby girl's brain for bilateral choroid plexus cyst.  (Say, what??)  Luckily it is within normal range, just the very upper part of that range.  They will send me to have a specialist do an ultrasound at the hospital in a couple weeks to make sure it hasn't gotten any bigger.  Believe it or not, I'm not flippin' out about this possible issue either.  Maybe it's all the people that are praying for my babies every day.  I just feel at peace that everything will be ok.  I'll still pray for them... but I'm not stressing myself out and "googling" everything.  


"Do you have names picked out?"  Pretty sure I get that question about every day.  haha  The answer is 'no'.  But, we did decide that once we do pick out names, we will keep them a secret until the babies are born.  Why?  Because we are so stinkin' indecisive!  


  1. You look great, Jennifer! Praying for your babies and that this issue corrects itself as well. We never tell the names either...just in case we change our minds.

  2. You are a pretty little mommy!! Little Girl, just wants some attention.. and this will NEVER change.. lol This Grandma's not worried.. God has everything in control. :-)

  3. I'm so excited for you! In our case, our baby girl is definitely the drama queen! Very high maintenance. LOL. Our boy is chill and easy going. Not sure if it is a gender characteristic or what, but totally true here! :)
