
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Long overdue update on Reid; More FAQs

Long overdue update on Reid

About a month ago, Reid's surgeon said that he would have to start wearing a shaping helmet 23/7. (We take it off for an hour at bath time.) 

Reason: the springs in the front of his head were moving great, but the one in the back wasn't moving as quickly.

After a month of wearing it, she said (last week) that his head had moved some in the back...but not enough. She felt that it will move better if we go ahead and remove the springs next month instead of Jan/Feb and finish shaping his head with the helmet. (Outpatient Surgery: Dec 18th)

Why? ... Well, I don't know. I had toted all 3 kiddos with me to two of Reid's appointments that morning in Winston. They had been great, but were DONE. In fact, while waiting on the doc to come in, my offspring were all crying so loudly I'm pretty sure I felt the walls shaking. Started to feel stressed, but then decided that maybe this would hurry them along. If I worked there, I'd say "Let's skip to that screaming room so we can get them the heck outta here!" :)  Needless to say, the surgeon and I politely yelled at each other over all the crying and off we went to find our mommy van in the giant parking garage. 

Soooooo..... I have several questions for her that I will need to ask via email. 

How long will he have to wear the helmet? <-- I did ask that question. "Until we are satisfied with his head shape." Hopefully he will have it off before summer. 

Comparison after 2 months. (pic taken Nov 4th)

Doctor appt #2. All aboard the tram!  

Nom nom nom

Rule #1- Put a leash on your 3 year old. Rule #2- Bring him food.

Stella and Mommy are both as tired as we look.

Attempting to hang the monkey.

Happy boy during his hour of freedom! (Left leg- MIA)

Fuzzy pic of date night last night. We ESCAPED for almost 2 hours!!!

More FAQs 

Q: How are the babies sleeping? 
A: Stella gets up once. She loves to sleep, just like her momma. Reid was sleeping 5 hrs straight til his surgery at 4 months old. Then he started getting up every 3 hrs. Now that he wears his helmet, he's up every 2-3 hrs to nurse. Is he just hungry? Uncomfortable? I don't know. Hoping this wears off soon. Not sure how mommas do it that have kids who get up like this for years. Probably just get used to it. Bright side: he's healthy. :)

Q: You are drinking REGULAR coffee? 
A: You're darn tootin' I am. One cup a day. Keeps me awake til lunch.

Q: Are you gonna have another baby?
A: Seriously people? Are you really asking me that right now? I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that and walk away. 

Q: Are you still cloth diapering? 
A: Yes, about 90% of the time. I mostly use Kawaii brand. Message me if you have questions. 

Q:  Do you nurse them at the same time?
A: Usually, although it's getting harder. They used to nurse so sweetly, while holding hands.  Now, while eating they are poking each other in the eyes, clawing, Stella beats his helmet, Reid throws punches.... Ya know. Typical 7 month behavior.  :)  

Q: How do you do it all?
A: Easy. I don't. I live under a rock. (my house) It's just how this season in our life is right now.  Some days I feel like a rock star mommy.  Other days I think I'm gonna lose my mind.  But I have Jesus.... my awesome hubby... my parents, mother-in-law, and several others who are here for me when I need it. My house is not always tidy right now, but I do try to fix homemade meals. My priorities are my husband/kids, then what we put in our bodies, then the housework.  Typically we have piles of clean, wrinkled laundry everywhere.  Oh well.  It will get ironed and put away one day. Maybe. Or not. 

Thankful for our crazy, messy lives.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  :)  Ok, maybe I'd take more sleep, but that will come eventually!  Happy Thanksgiving!!!  

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