
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reid's Upcoming Surgery / Life in a Nutshell

Reid's Upcoming Surgery 

I've had a lot of people ask when Reid will be having his surgery. It's this Wed, Sept 4th at Brenners Children's Hospital. I'm not sure what time. Sometime in the AM, I think. 

I copied and pasted below the details of his surgery from my last post:  

-We will be able to start seeing a difference in his head shape about 6 weeks after the springs are placed in between the fused plates.

-His head will continue to widen the next 4 months while the springs push the plates apart.

-While the springs are in, Reid will wear a protective helmet at least 22hrs out of the day to protect the big soft spot "valley" created by the springs.  

-By the end of the 4 months(ish), his skull will have formed new bone in the "valley".  He should be left with just the normal 2 soft spots.   (That's fast! CRAZY!)

-Then the springs will be taken out in outpatient surgery.  

-The doctor says by age 2.5 to 3 you shouldn't even be able to tell he had this issue.  :) 

I realize there are a LOT of babies/kids that go through much more serious procedures that this one.  I'm thinking in particular of a friend whose baby recently had open heart surgery at around Reid's age.  I can't IMAGINE how he and his wife felt!  But, God is good.  He took care of their little one just like I know He has his hands on ours.  

Still, any prayers between now and Wed would definitely be appreciated!  

Life in a Nutshell 

CrAzInEsS!!  :D  The babies are 4 months old. Sam is almost 3.  Housework tends to take a back burner.  Ben and I run around like crazy 24/7.  ..... But I wouldn't have it any other way.  Ok ok, I WOULD like a butler.  That would be grand.  

Sam- my lil tornado.  Nothing is out of reach. If it can be broken or spilled, it will be.  Hilarious. Loves his "babies."  Will recite 5 Bible verses for $$.  

Reid- my happy boy.  Easy going.  Extremely alert.  Loves his momma.  Serious thighs.   Pitiful cry. 

Stella- my mini-me.  Sweet. Hormonal. Smiling to screaming in 1/2 sec.  Wishes she had more hair. Melts my heart.  

*** By the way... I don't have time to figure out how to get that dern baby ticker off the side of my page.  Can't remember how I got it there in the first place.  Any tips are appreciated.  :)  


  1. Cute pics Jen! We will be praying for that surgery! To remove the ticker, I think on your feed page you would click the little icon at the top that takes you to your post list. Then, on the left side, click layout. Then you can choose your baby ticker and a little pop-up window should appear that has the html code in it. You can then just choose "remove." =) Happy weekend!

  2. Thanks Shelly! Ticker is now gone! :)
