
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

16 wk comparison

First of all, I am soooo itching to get back to running!!  I wasn't able to run the 1st tri with this pregnancy or my last pregnancy.  The hormone meds I take during the first 12 weeks make me really sick.  I expected it this time. It just kinda comes with the territory. My babies needed it, so of course I kept taking it!  :)  .... But, with my 1st pregnancy, I was able to start running again the beginning of my 2nd trimester.  This time, I'm pretty sure that's NOT going to happen. (For several reasons... I'll spare you the details though. haha)  

OK--Here is a comparison of me at 16 weeks with lil man and me at 16 weeks with the twins... Can you tell a difference?  I can probably tell more than other people. :)  

16 weeks pregnant with lil man

16 weeks pregnant with twins

WARNING!!  Bare belly alert!  

If bellies creep you out, then don't scroll down.  :)  


16 weeks pregnant with lil man

16 weeks pregnant with twins

I head to the doctor this Friday to check on baby A and baby B.  Looking forward to hearing their heartbeats again.  Prayers are appreciated! 

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